
CBB - Coming Up...

Coming up on tonights highlights show (30th)...

Housemates are punished for discussing nominations. Bye Bye luxury food, hello basic rations.

Courtney has a slumber party with Dustin for her Birthday.

The random task generator task - Scotch bonnets, mankini's, national anthems, wet fish...

Quote of the episode - Big Brother “This is Big Brother housemates are reminded they must not share medication. Would Lauren please come to the diary room…(To Lauren in the diary room) Big Brother is worried you may have just given some medication to Courtney.

Coming up on tonights highlights show (29th)...

Ron & Vicky choose to nominate Louie after they're saved from eviction.

The rest of the housemates nominate. Charlotte, Lauren, Louie, Courtney and Ron face tomorrow nights (Fridays) eviction.

Carol isn't keen on Sophie consoling a teary Charlotte and isn't bothered she's nominated calling Charlotte a "Geordie sl*g"

Dustin predicts a storms brewing.

Quote of the episode - Charlotte “I knew this would happen it has made us feel like I have had my heart torn out, and stepped on, then eaten by a dog, and s**t out, then clean up by someone whose on community service, then put in a bin bag to be put on a massive pile of skip heap. A long process but very bad. And it’s all because I wee’d myself.

Coming up on tonights highlights show (25th)...

The Cult of Celebrity make another shortlist of potential nominees before choosing the 2nd person to face the public vote.

Task Time - Big Brother thought they'd help the housemates get to know each other.

Coming up on tonights highlights show...

A recap of last nights 'Big Twist' (the term big is used fairly loosely) 

Charlotte doesn't react too well to the news Ron will face the first eviction. Charlotte 1 - 0 Cake.

Mario and Carol... drunken flirting.

A Lauren Harries exercise routine (Exercise DVD is in the bag)

Breakfast time for Charlotte

Charlotte 1 - 0 Cake

Bring on the Lauren Harries exercise DVD.

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